Are Monviso products suitable for vegetarians?
Yes, all Monviso products, apart from the classic Biscotto Salute, are 100% vegetable, making them suitable for vegetarians.
Are Monviso products certified Kosher?
Some Monviso products are certified Kosher: Crustini (Classic, Rosemary, Olive, Garlic) and Classic Croutons.
Are Monviso products available in other countries?
Monviso products can be found outside of Italy in the following countries: Saudi Arabia, Belgium, Brazil, California, China, Cyprus, Arab Emirates, Philippines, France, Germany, Japan, United Kingdom, Greece, South Korea, Kuwait, Maldives, Malta, Norway, Poland, Czech Republic, Romania, Russia, Seychelles, Spain, United States, Switzerland, Thailand, Ukraine and Vietnam.
What is the secret to a tasty low-salt diet?
It is commonly known that excessive salt consumption is very bad for our health, especially for the heart and arteries.
Monviso has always been a point of reference for those who observe a low-salt diet, offering consumers a wide range of low-salt products: the Low-salt rusk and Low-salt Breadsticks.
Why is it advisable to observe a low-sugar diet?
We’ve always known that sugar is fattening. The fact that it causes problems like diabetes and heart disease has been confirmed by numerous international researches.
It isn’t just saccharose (common white sugar) that is bad for our health, fructose is bad for us too: not the sugar contained naturally in fruit (which is harmless) but the sugar added to food and drinks which we often don’t even realise we are consuming. In short, all the sugars hidden in industrially prepared foods: not only in lots of soft drinks but also in products you might think contain no sugar at all.
The crispy Monviso No Added Sugar rusk is ideal when you have to monitor your daily sugar intake.
Why is vitamin D considered to be so good for us?
In terms of the benefits to our health, we know that vitamin D is essential to allow the absorption of calcium and phosphorous, that it is helpful in the case of respiratory problems related to asthma and tuberculosis, that it helps strengthen the immune system, plays a key role in protecting the brain and can help prevent weight gain.
Monviso’s Low-salt rusk and Low-salt Breadsticks contain vitamin D2, which particularly helps maintain the normal function of our muscles and immune system.
Head Office and administration: Via del Tario, 9 – 10020 Andezeno (TO) Italy
Tel. +39 011.943.93.01 • Fax +39 011.943.93.42 • P.IVA IT 10138110969 • servizio.clienti@monviso1936.it
C.C.I.A.A.TO: R.E.A. TO-1257402 • Share Capital 2.000.000,00 Euro
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